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Red Stones


Red Garnet

Garnet is a very popular stone throughout history. It is often associated with passion, love, and fire. 

Red Jasper

Red jasper is help you feel of stable secure, and connectied to the earth.

Red Onyx

Red Onyx is thought to help you with your  strength, stamina, and determination. It can also be used for grounding and protection.

Red Vein Jasper

Red Vein jasper can represent recovery and boldness.

Orange Stones


Yellow Stones

Lemon Jade

Jade usually represents wisdom, balance, and harmony but yellow jade (like lemon) can mean happiness, joy, and positivity.


Green Stones


Traditional green jade represents longevity, prosperity, protection, and healing. 

Australian jade

Also known as Bowenite-helps with emotional balance and harmony.

Chinese Jade

Jade is associated with longevity and is traditionally worn against the skin to protect your health.


Turquoise is a stone very popualr in Native American cultures known for protection, wisdom, and positive energy along with good communication and cooperation. 

Blue Stones

Blue Agate

Blue agate is another stone associated with good energy and communication. It is used to help convey clear communication.

Blue Jasper

Just like the other blue stones, communication and calm energy is the key here. 


Sodalite helps to clear your thoughts, trust your intuition, and of course communicate better. It can also help calm your anxeity.

Purple Stones


Amethyst, much like blue stones, can help with energy, protection, and your emotions. It also helps you tune into your spiritual side.

Other Stones

Dalmatian jasper (White with black spots)

Dalmation jasper is supposed to help you with issues with your family and help you create loyalty and fun along with balancing emotions. Think of it as a playful puppy.


Hematite (Shiny/Silverish metallic)

Hematite is has slightly magnetic properties and is often used for concentration and meditation. Use hematite when you need to really focus on something.

Jasper (marbled white and gray stone)

Jasper, like any white stone, helps with  grounding, stability, and protection.

Lava rock (Black and porous)

Lava stones are made from erupting volcanoes and are porous (like pumpice) and you can actually infuse them with essential oils. Lava rocks are also supposed to help you feel calm and relaxed.

Obsidian (black and shiny)

Obsidian, like most black stones, help to ground you and absorb negativity-keeping you cool, calm, and collected. 

Tiger Eye (brown with yellow/iridescent)

Probably my favorite stone because no two are the same. The tiger eye gives you the courage of the tiger and the focus and energy to get what you want by standing your ground. Use tiger’s eye when you are nervous about a big test or want to ask for a raise at work.

White Tourmaline (white with gray specks)

Just like Jasper, this white stone helps you feel stable and protected.